English presentation

« No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. Albert Einstein

« If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place ». Lao-Tseu ».

  1. Diplomas & training ( in France )
    1. Clinical PhD. level diploma in Psychology at Paris-Sorbonne
    2. Post-graduate diploma in children psychology with Doctor Françoise DOLTO
    3. Internship for two years at psychiatric hospital with Professor Andre BOURGUIGNON
    4. Student of Doctor Jacques LACAN
    5. Classical analysis and lacanian analysis
    6. Analytic training in the school of J.LACAN ( « Ecole de la Cause Freudienne » and its « Clinical Section »)
    7. Training in « Formation en Thérapie Conjugale Positive » (FTCP /Quebec).
    8. Certified training in neurofunctionnal pathologies at University of Bourgogne in Dijon.
    9. Training at INMC Paris ( Institut Supérieur de Formation en Nutrithérapie Médico-Clinique).
    10. Certified training in « Médecine nutritionnelle et fonctionnelle » Paris.
      1. Training in various approaches : Rebirth, Gestalt, Relaxation, Psychodrama, Genealogical tree, « Cri primal », Feng Shui, chakras balance, méditation vipassana, Décodage biologique, PNL, Constellations familiales, thérapie systémique, thérapie familiale, etc.
    11. Experience of a retreat in the ashram of Chilianola ( India ).
  2. Experience in psychoanalytic field, psychology and psychotherapy
    1. Private practice in clinical psychology, psychoanalysis , coaching
    2. Psychotherapist and supervisor for the staff of various organizations treating mental illness in France
    3. Teacher at the University Paris VII in the Clinical Psychology Departement
    4. Counselor and supervisor for judges at the Court of Paris
    5. Trainer for M.D., PhD. and L.C.S.W. working at hospitals (such as palliative treatment section) and educational institutions (such as AEMO, DDASS, Foyer de l’Enfance, CMPP , etc)
    6. Humanitarian missions : training and supervising psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers in Armenia ; opening of a center for children and family consultations
    7. Founder of LAC international ( including Lacan American Clinique) at Columbia University Maison Française under the High Patronage of the Consul of France in New York City
    8. Conferences on different analytic topics in several places such as Paris, Tunis, Athens, London, Buenos Aires, Montreal, San Francisco,Providence, New York, Cleveland… publications of articles on analytic subjects in France and in Israel
  3. Experience in strategy and management consulting, training and coaching for managers
    1. In France, for different organizations such as IFG, INM, Air France, AGF, the Court of Paris
    2. In the ex-USSR for the Chamber of Trade and Industry, GIIA
    3. In a financial organization in Paris, in charge of strategy advising, training and coaching management staff